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Vision Box has had the contribution of multiple European fundings for Research and Technology Development. It is our priority to maximise those fundings whilst agilising our technology processes, expanding our services, and investing on overall innovation.



VB 2020


Project ID: 26987

Operation Code: LISBOA-01-0247-FEDER-026987

Lisbon Regional Operational Program

Project Approval Date: 07/07/2017

Project Designation: VB 2020

Beneficiary: Vision-Box, SA

Start date:03/03/2017 • End Date: 31/05/2019

Eligible total cost:  149771,80 €


The project VB 2020 aims to increase the participation of the beneficiary’s in Research and Technological Development projects through acquisition consulting services in order to enhance the success of R&D applications to submit to the Horizon Program 2020.  Vision-Box intends to maximize European funding for the company, setting up an operational funding strategy that will centralize all efforts regarding public funding and consolidate its position as a reference company in terms of research and technological development in the national and European context.




VB 2020 II

Project ID: 40201

Operation Code: LISBOA-01-0247-FEDER-040201

Lisbon Regional Operational Program

Project Approval Date: 20/03/2019

Project Designation: VB 2020 II

Beneficiary: Vision-Box, SA

Start date: 28/06/2018 • End Date: 28/06/2020

Eligible total cost:  112995,98 €


The project VB 2020 II aims to increase the participation of the beneficiary’s in Research and Technological Development projects through acquisition consulting services in order to enhance the success of R&D applications to submit to the Horizon Program 2020.  Vision-Box intends to maximize European funding for the company, setting up an operational funding strategy that will centralize all efforts regarding public funding and consolidate its position as a reference company in terms of research and technological development in the national and European context.

This project will have the duration of 24 months and will cover the funding opportunities for 2018 and 2019 and the events that will launch the H2020 work programs for the period of 2018-2020. The proposals foreseen are included in the priority domains of National and Regional Research and Innovation Strategies for Smart Specialization (RIS3 strategies), namely information and Communication Technologies (ICT), Transports, mobility and logistics.






Project ID: 17283

Operation Code: LISBOA-01-0247-FEDER-017283

Lisbon Regional Operational Programme

Project Approval Date: 03/04/2018

Project Designation: Smarty Flow

Beneficiary: Vision-Box, SA

Start date:01/02/2016 • End Date: 31/12/2019

Eligible total cost:  9.593.466,88€

European Union contribution 3.821.325,96€


Smarty Flow aims to create a platform for the use of virtual identity documents to expedite the process of identifying citizens at airports, ports and in the use of additional services that imply the identification of the consumer, such as hotels, car rental, travel agencies, entertainment, among others. The user may use their biometrics (face, fingerprint or iris) as proof of identity to be authenticated, via agile self-service processes that do not require the citizen to produce any physical documents.

The new identification experience is based on the use of mobile phones, such as cell phones, tablets, and others, containing the digital identity document securely virtualized and ready for any interactions.

The project has a strategic relevance for the national economy, further reinforcing the image of the country as a recognized innovation stage. Additionally, the implementation of the project is very relevant to secure our borders while it is also expected that it has a positive effect on tourism, a strategic sector of the country.

Antonio Costa Smarty FlowSmarty Flow Vision-BoxAntonio Costa @Vision-Box




Project Id: 778571

Project Designation: Smart-Trust

Beneficiary: Vision-Box, SA

Start date: 01/01/2018 • End Date: 01/01/2020

Smart Trust_Vision-Box


Smart-Trust is a highly innovative Horizon 2020 (SME instrument Phase 2) project for border control, which introduces a new technological enabler for Mobile ID and increases the reliability and trust levels of identity verification at European borders, strongly improving the security of member states. In a world where mobile is king, Vision-Box Mobile ID™ technology goes one step further and transforms the way people identify themselves. By enabling a digital hands-free authentication through mobile devices, this first-class solution allows to have a complete paperless and contactless travel experience, where there is no need for physical passport checks, hence expediting travel and improving passenger experience, while increasing security.

Smart-Trust will be implemented by delivering an agile, highly configurable, modular and open architecture platform with the following robust, versatile and scalable core components:

– Mobile ID services and app, mobile identity enrolment and verification services
– TrustChain, a blockchain-based infra-structure to assert citizen transactions in a distributed and self-regulatory fashion
– Workflow Orchestration, a workflow management component which caters for stakeholder-driven business rules
– Analytics and Risk-Assessment, an industrial-strength real time analytics platform able to deliver professional customized monitoring dashboards as well as detecting passenger trends and anomalies.






Project ID: 312797

Project Designation: ABC4EU

Beneficiary: 14 Consortium Members

Start date: 01/01/2014 • End Date: 01/03/2018


The aim of ABC4EU is to make border checks more flexible and user-friendly for passengers by harmonizing the functionalities of border check automation. At the moment  the  Automated Border Control System can be used by passengers with  EU  and  Schengen  ePassport.  In the future, together with complementary legislation, non-Schengen passengers will be able to use the ABC gate. The project aims to achieve this goal by a creation of a harmonization framework which includes functionalities,  biometrics,  gate design and the border check process itself. With this framework, the Project expects to achieve the following outcomes:

– Improving better passenger experience and, thus, encouraging people to use ABC gates at border crossing points,

– Facilitate more fluent travelling by shortening queuing time;
– Closely following the Smart borders Package

– Legislative Proposal, ABC4EU scope includes implementation of an Entry-Exit System and a Registered Traveler System.

In addition, RTP and EES will be specifically tested in the project to assess their feasibility and impact at EU level border management.
For more information:






Project code: 2462

Operation Code: LISBOA-02-0752-FEDER-002462

Project Designation: Internationalization plan for advanced solutions

Beneficiary: Vision-Box, SA
Main Objective: Internationalization
Region of intervention: Lisbon

Approval Date: 19-08-2015
Start date: 01-06-2015 • End Date 30-11-2017
Eligible total cost: 1.231.225,59€
Financial support from the European Union: FEDER 500.000,00€


Main Objectives:

• Entry into new markets with new products
• Promoting presence at international fairs
• Endorsing company Recognition and notoriety
• Develop the company’s brands
• Improve International Trade for new markets

Projecto financiado por: Lisboa2020, Portugal 2020, União Europeia





Project code: 2474

Operation Code: LISBOA-02-0853-FEDER-002474

Project Designation: Development of advanced mobility solutions for the global marketplace

Beneficiary: Vision-Box, SA
Main Objective: Strengthen the competitiveness of SMEs
Region of intervention: Lisbon

Approval Date: 10-08-2015
Start date: 01-07-2015
End Date: 30-06-2017
Eligible total cost: 795.872,50€
Financial support from the European Union: FEDER 358.142,63€


Main Objectives:
• Implement a management software, transversal to all areas of support, allowing the centralization of all information, eliminating manual and physical processes
• Work Optimization through mechanical, electrical and electronic software
• Implement an occupational health and safety management system,
• Create and register the trademarks and patents associated with the company’s new products
• Acquire a software tool that will assist the company in managing the space for raw material stocks and picking processes.

Projecto financiado por: Lisboa2020, Portugal 2020, União Europeia






Project code: 38672
Project Designation: Internationalization plan for advanced solutions
Beneficiary: Vision-Box, SA
Main Objective: Internationalization
Region of intervention: Lisbon
Approval Date: 21-08-2018
Start date: 01-04-2018 • End Date 31-03-2021
Eligible total cost: 1.673.264,00€
Financial support from the European Union: FEDER 500.000,00€


Main Objectives:
• Presence in new international markets;
• Increase knowledge of foreign markets through the presence of exhibitors at international events;
• Promote company’s web presence and digital economy;
• International development and promotion of trademarks, with international registration of trademarks and patents.